To : - micro.d0x, HackerciCi, R31gn & to all who flooded my comment section and my shout box
first of all i want to say is, those who have flooded my blog.. "FUCK OFF, ALL YOU CAN DO IS JUST SIT INFRONT OF A COMPUTER AND THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO IS FLOOD MY BLOG" man o man... dos hackers flood or do they hack? ROFLMAO! well, if i am anyone of you, i wont give warnings or flood, ill just do it! and dont think that i dont know you lill moron idiotic bastard! ill just see what you can do! if you are that much proffessional why dont you just get my IP address & my NETBIO, BLAH BLAH BLAH ... stuffs like you said? im not scared, am i the one who got scared last time? am i the one who cam in peace mother fucker? am i the one who got nervous? ASSHOLE! YOU ARE STILL A BITCH!! and yeah! LOL! why do u keep on going commenting on others blog in my name? dont you have a name? havent your mother given you a name? tsk, tsk, poor you! SON OF A BITCH! GET THIS., when i comment in anyone's blog my profile picture is availble, but when you comment in my name, its not available, is that what you call HACKING? LAMO! motherfucker! thats FLOODING! and what you are doing is FLOODING! ALRIGHT! WANNA DO IT AGAIN! DO IT, MAKE YOUR DAY!
this is for you "CRAVEMYBLOOD" you dont have to tell me and send me the link of porn sites! ok.. STAND NEAR INFRONT OF A MIRRO, RAISE YOUR HAND, BEND ALL YOUR FINGERS AND RAISE YOUR MIDDLE FINGER! OK
if you all got nothing else to do YOU CAN COME A KISS MY FROSTY NASTY ASS
this is for you "CRAVEMYBLOOD" you dont have to tell me and send me the link of porn sites! ok.. STAND NEAR INFRONT OF A MIRRO, RAISE YOUR HAND, BEND ALL YOUR FINGERS AND RAISE YOUR MIDDLE FINGER! OK
if you all got nothing else to do YOU CAN COME A KISS MY FROSTY NASTY ASS
Going Nuts, Craxy, Busy, Away
Eid Greetings To You All